How can AI help insure your online reputation?

In the first of our blog series about online social media management, we covered some of the current stats that certainly reinforce why online reviews are so critical to our success. In this discussion, we explore options to managing your online reputation 

We know that  “word- of-mouth” is still a key element of business growth. 

We know how reputations spread, one person tells two people and they tell two more people etc. What if you were able to follow all these people around 24/7 as they went from person to person telling about their experience, good or bad. What if you were able to address any concerns in real time and personally thank the positive spreaders? You can! 

With advanced AI programs, you are able to do just that without hiring an army of Customer Service Representatives. Successful social media management is not only important, it is required to compete in today’s very competitive market place. Google has turned “word of mouth” into a streamlined process that, whether we want to face it or not, can make or break our business. 

There are so many topics we need and will discuss about online reviews but today we are going to shelve the discussion of fairness and if customers are always right. Today we look at how we can find the time in our already full day to leverage technology to provide excellent customer service.

Affordable options have never been greater. AI programs can and will help you manage your online reputation. 

So what are the current abilities of leading AI social media management programs?

Take control of your online reputation today! Here is a brief overview of what AI offers. 

  • Imagine the ease of online reputation from one place: Reviews being compiled from dozens of sites so you can see what’s being said about your business online. Plus, use competitive benchmarking to see how you stack up to the competition.
  • Be where people are looking: Improve your search rank by addressing online business listings that are inaccurate or missing from essential directories like Google, Facebook, and Bing.
  • Hear what customers are saying all over the web: Know when your business is mentioned in a variety of sources, including news sites, blogs and social networks. Plus, highlight the most positive and negative mentions using automated sentiment analysis.
  •  Use automated reports and alerts to stay informed: Executive reports break down how your business is faring in online conversations and helps you understand what to do. Alerts are also sent every time new information is found.
  • A Rapid Reviews program scans for your business reviews twice as often— helping you stay up to date and respond quickly to your customers.
  • Fully Managed Solutions are available to free your time doing other things. Fully managed, written, and published responses for all of your reviews, along with special notifications anytime your business is mentioned online in a negative way.
  • By working with social media response experts, they will compose responses in your business style and voice. You will always have time to review responses and make changes BEFORE anything is posted.

The more you are able to automate, the more you can direct and control your online presence.

In summary, the importance of customer service has never been greater, as word-of-mouth spreads faster than ever before thanks to the internet. 

Here are some key points from our series so far: 

  • Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool for businesses, but negative reviews can spread quickly and damage a company’s reputation.
  • AI can help businesses monitor and respond to online reviews, as well as provide excellent customer service 24/7.
  • AI-powered customer service can be more cost-effective than traditional methods.
  • Businesses need to take steps to manage their online reputation in order to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace.

What to know more about these amazing programs? Browse our online Store